Solvang Chamber of Commerce Video Introduction
Solvang Chamber of Commerce Video Introduction
Erica's Beyond Fit Testimonial
Solvang Chamber of Commerce Video Introduction

Sustainable Results

At BeyondFit Retreats, our passion is to give you the tools and incentive to live the healthiest & longest life possible. We believe strongly your best investment is mental and physical health, and we can't wait to give you a jump start on your journey to well-being.

We guarantee that this interactive, fun, highly motivating & rewarding boot camp will be not only memorable but the best way to get on the path of sustainable results. See what others have said, better yet come experience for yourself how it feels to combine luxury with long-term results.

Hi Beyond Fit Retreats! One month has gone by since the retreat I've lost 12 kilos. Can you believe I'm 88 kilos and haven't changed my lifestyle too much, the article is out and I am sending it to you now page by page, so you can take a look. Thanks again for fantastic time at the retreat you coached me at… Speak soon!”
Satisfied Customer
Hi BeyondFit Retreats! One month has gone by since the retreat I've lost 21 pounds… Thanks again for the fantastic time at the retreat you coached me at… Speak soon!